French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

a The past (or perfect) infinitive is formed from the infinitive of avoiror êtreas appropriate,

  • past participle, e.g. avoir surmonté(see Chapter 23 text, line 23), être sorti. The past
    participle of êtreverbs agrees with the subject, e.g. Après être partis, ils. .. (After having left,
    they.. .).

b The passive infinitive is formed from the infinitive of être+ past participle, e.g. être félicité(to
be congratulated) (see Chapter 23 text, lines 29–30).

See for further information: Coffman Crocker, pp. 221–7
Ferrar, pp. 75–84
Hawkins and Towell, pp. 288–316, 413–14
Judge and Healey, pp. 191–7
L’Huillier, pp. 202–20
Price, pp. 331–41
Turk and Vandaele, pp. 160–5


1 Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the perfect infinitive (with
avoir/êtreas appropriate) and making any necessary agreement of the past participle.
a Après (étudier) ____ ce texte de près, j’ai commencé à en être vraiment
b Après (lire) ____ cet article, je comprends mieux le problème.
c Après (se laver) _ elle est allée se coucher.
d Elle a pris la décision d’aller vivre en Amérique après y (aller) __ une seule
e Après (se plaindre) _____
au directeur, elle est retournée à son travail.
f Après (mettre) ___ le gâteau au four, je me suis rendu compte que j’avais
oublié un ingrédient essentiel.

2 Translate the following sentences into French, using infinitives wherever possible.

a He heard her put her key in the lock.
b They hope to spend the summer in France.
c Do not lean out. (polite notice)
d Serve chilled. (seen on wine bottles)
e To see him sitting chatting, you’d think he had no work to do.
f She has gone to look for your file.
g Without wishing to offend you, I really must refuse.
h In order to finish his work he stayed in his office until 7 p.m.
i Following too strict a diet is not a good idea.
j What are we to do? How are we to find her?

The infinitive and present participle 143
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