French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

The present participle and the gerund in the text


Present participle
a The verb form ending in -antmay be used as an adjective to qualify a noun, e.g des véhicules
peu polluants(lines 21–2). When used in this way, it agrees with the noun, as can be seen in
this masculine plural example. (It may also be used as a noun, with normal feminine and
plural forms, e.g. les polluants; une débutante.)

b The form in -antis also used as a present participle to form subordinate clauses. When used in
this way, as a verb to describe an action, not as an adjective to describe a state, there is no
agreement; the form is invariable, e.g. rassemblant(line 4); prenant(line 14). Both the present
participles in the text are clearly functioning as verbs, since each is followed by a noun object,
e.g. Prenant en compte les impératifs(line 14); un groupe de travail rassemblant tous les acteurs
socio-économiques(lines 3–4). The fact that a form in -antis functioning as a verb and not as
an adjective may also be evident from the presence of a followingadverb or adverbial phrase,
e.g. des enfants jouant patiemment. If it were functioning as an adjective, the adverb would
precede, e.g. des jeux extrêmement amusants.

c The present participle may function as an alternative to a relative clause, e.g. in lines 3–4, un
groupe de travail rassemblantmeans un groupe de travail qui rassemble.

d The gerund (present participle preceded by en) is often used where in English we would say ‘by
doing something’, e.g. en encadrant(line 24). It should be noted that it is only possible to use par

  • infinitive in French after the verbs commencerand finir, e.g. Il a commencé par se présenter.


a Present participle
The present participle is formed from the stem of the first-person plural (nous) form of the
present indicative by deleting -onsand adding -ant, e.g. rassemblantfrom rassemblons(line 4);
prenantfrom prenons(line 14); choisissantfrom choisissons(line 21).

b Gerund
The gerund is formed by adding the preposition enin front of the present participle, e.g. en
encadrant(line 24).

Other points to note in the text

  • Infinitive: Préserver, protéger(title); respirer(line 6); changer(line 11); prendre(line 11); laisser
    (line 12); utiliser (line 12);pratiquer(line 13); réduire(line 17); résoudre(line 18); prévenir,
    réduire(line 21); surveiller, informer(line 23); protéger(line 24)

  • Passé composé, including est devenue(line 1); est passé(line 15) (see Chapter 2)

The infinitive and present participle 145
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