French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

3 Make up a pair of sentences in each of the following cases to illustrate the difference in
meaning between the two verbs listed.
a décider de; se décider à
b résoudre de; se résoudre à
c finir de; finir par
d essayer de; s’essayer à
e obliger à; être obligé de
f forcer à; être forcé de
g arriver à; il arrive de
h venir + no preposition; venir de
i demander à; demander de

4 Translate the following sentences into French.

a I succeeded in remembering it all.
b I have finished packing my rucksack.
c This film is about a man and a tiger.
d He asked her to choose one.
e You should think about it.
f Have you tried to make pancakes?
g Today you will learn to skate.
h He hesitated to phone her as it was so late.

Verbs with àand de 155
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