French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
The subjunctive (present and perfect) 179


1 Fill in the gaps in the following sentences as appropriate with either the present subjunctive or
the perfect subjunctive of the verbs in brackets.
a Je suis content qu’il (finir) ____ sa thèse.
b Il est possible qu’elle (arriver) _ déjà.
c Je regrette que nous (ne pas pouvoir) ____
assister à la réunion hier.
d Voulez-vous que je vous (dire) __ maintenant ce que j’en pense?
e C’est le plus beau jardin que je (voir) _
f À moins qu’ils ne (partir) ____ déjà, je crains que je ne (être) ___ obligé de
les inviter ce soir.

2 Translate the following sentences using the indicative or the subjunctive (present or perfect) as
a I hope you haven’t finished the chocolate cake.
b It is possible she has already given it back.
c All right provided you are back at midnight.
d As he was the only candidate he won the prize.
e It is the most interesting exhibition I have ever seen.
f There is no cure which is more effective than sport.
g I think you were right in the first instance.
h I’ll wait until you’ve finished brushing your teeth.

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