French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

198 French Grammar in Context

Discover more about conjunctions

a Coordinating conjunctions can also join verbs in a clause.
b Other coordinating conjunctions
carbecause/ for
orand yet
c Other subordinating conjunctions + indicative
à mesure quewhile, whereas lorsquewhen
à peine... quehardly/scarcely... when parce quebecause
après queafter pendant quewhile
aussitôt queas soon as puisquesince (cause)
commeas quandwhen
depuis quesince (time) tandis quewhile, whereas
dès queas soon as
d Other subordinating conjunctions + subjunctive
à condition queprovided jusqu’à ce queuntil
afin queso that pour queso that
à moins queunless quoiquealthough
bien quealthough sans quewithout
de peur quefor fear that
(See Chapter 26.)
e Some conjunctions can govern the indicative or the subjunctive,depending on their
meaning. This is the case for de façon que, de manière que, de sorte que.
When they indicate a result, a consequence, these conjunctions are followed by the indicative,
e.g. elle a pris un taxi de sorte qu’elle est arrivée à l’heure(she took a taxi with the result that she
was on time).
When they indicate a purpose they are followed by the subjunctive e.g. elle est partie très tôt de
sorte qu’elle puisse passer par le bureau(she left very early in order to call at the office).
f When a subordinating conjunction, e.g. à condition que, applies to more than one clause, the
conjunction is not usually repeated, but is replaced by que, e.g. Je veux bien, à condition quetu
fasses attention etquetu prennes le chemin le plus court.

See for further information: Coffman Crocker, pp. 177–80, 207–9
Ferrar, pp. 251–8
Hawkins and Towell, pp. 400–14
Judge and Healey, pp. 146–8, 317–20, 357–78
L’Huillier, pp. 15–16, 180–1, 660–5
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