French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

  • Expressions of space: du... à/au(lines 3–4, 7); en(lines 14, 16); dans l’intérieur(lines 17, 37); au
    nord de(line 46) (see Chapter 28)

Discover more about the future

a As well as indicating events which will take place in the future, the future tense can be used to
i advice
e.g. Tu feras bien attention, hein?
ii a request
e.g. Vous pourrez lui passer un coup de fil?
Sometimes also used in the negative form.
e.g. Tu n’oublieras pas de passer à la poste?
iiia command
e.g. Vous me ferez ce devoir pour demain
b The future tense is also used after a number of conjunctions of time:quand, lorsque, aussitôt
que, dès que, pendant que, tandis que, etc.
e.g. Quand il sera 9 heures, il sera temps de commencer
Pendant qu’elle regardera les nouvelles, je ferai à manger
Note that in English the present tense is normally used in such cases.
e.g. While she watchesthe news, I’ll prepare something to eat
In all cases the main verb is also in the future.
c Sisentences
In cases where si(= if ) is followed by the present (see Chapter 1), the main verb is in the
e.g. Si tu viens me chercher, on ira au cinéma
Note that si is never followed by the future in such cases (see Chapter 7).
d The future can be used in indirect speech and after verbs such as penser que, croire que, espérer
que, savoir quewhen the main clause is in the present.
e.g. Il dit qu’il ira en voiture
Je sais qu’elle fera de son mieux
e Occasionally the future can indicate a probability.
e.g. Tiens, Corinne qui passe! elle ira sans doute à la piscine
This is the equivalent of the English ‘must’ (she must be going to the swimming pool).

30 French Grammar in Context

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