French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

b Si+ imperfect (see Chapter 3)

In sentences where a condition is expressed (si+ imperfect), the main verb is in the present
e.g. Si l’auto ne s’arrêtait pas ,.... les deux autres lanceraient leurs bombes(lines 9–10)
Si elle s’arrêtait, ils viendraient vers elle(line 11)


The endings are the same as the imperfect endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.
The stem used for the present conditional is the same as the stem of the future, whether the verb
is a regular or an irregular one. As with the future, the stem always ends with an r(see Chapter 6).

Other points to note in the text

  • Imperfect subjunctive: fît(line 5); appartînt(line 7); tournât(line 12); sortît(line 16) (see
    Chapter 27)

  • Pronominal verb: s’ouvrait(line 6) (see Chapter 20)

  • Word order: inversion: Peut-être..... serait-il tué(lines 16–17) (see Chapter 30)

Discover more about the present conditional


a The conditional frequently expresses the English ‘would’ in situations other than the ‘future in
the past’ when it indicates that some event would take place if certain conditions were fulfilled.
e.g. Dans ce cas-là, j’irais voir le directeur( = si c’était le cas)
It must be remembered, however, that ‘would’ can convey the idea of repetition in the past.
e.g. She would open the shutters at 7.00 a.m.
In such cases the conditional should not be used, as ‘would’ means ‘used to’ and the repetition
is indicated by the imperfect (Elle ouvrait les volets à 7 heures) (see Chapter 3).

b The conditional often expresses a polite request or a suggestion.

e.g. Je voudrais parler à Mme Crépin
Vous pourriez passer par chez moi

c A possibility can be expressed by the use of the present conditional.

e.g. Cela pourrait bien être le cas
Children playing are often heard using the conditional to indicate a situation which is imagined.
e.g. Alors moi je serais le policier et toi tu serais le voleur

d The present conditional is frequently used in the media to indicate unconfirmed facts.

e.g. Il y a eu un incendie à la suite duquel il y aurait de sérieux dégâts(= There was a fire which
apparently caused serious damage)

The conditional (present and past) 37
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