Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1


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Partridgeberry (squawvine) is Noon
kie oo nah yeah in Mohawk. I've been
unable to find any other Indian names
for it, although it was apparently widely
used as a womens' medicine among
eastern tribes. But the vine doeesn't
grow around here.

In spring -- April to June -- the evergreen vine flowers with these fragrant white
trumpet-shaped 4-petaled flowers. The vine grows about 6 to 12" high, creeping through moss
around old tree stumps. The leaves are thick, very shiny, heart-shaped in opposite pairs. In the
fall, berries form and become bright scarlet. Scarlet frunits remain on the vine all winter if not
eaten by birds and deer.

The berries are tasteless but occasionally were
useful as emergency food. The scientific name of
this plant is Mitchella repens. Where it is used to
promote easy childbirth, a tea of the leaves is taken
only during the last few weeks. It should be noted
that one of the Iroquois medical uses for this vine
was as an abortifacient.

Multi-tribal uses of partridgeberry vine from the AGIS Medical Plants of native
Americans database


Partridgeberry ID photos (1 of 2) [5/17/2004 11:51:18 AM]

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