Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
or honey, or at a main meal with butter or gravy..

Breakfast cereal: Serve cold or warm cooked rice with sugar or honey and cream. Stir ins: sunflower
seeds, chopped apple, peach, pear; choppeed dried fruits.

Bird Stuffing: Fry green onions, celery, add chopped nuts, chopped unpeeled apples, chopped dried
fruit or berries, sunflower seeds. Rice stuffing won't absorb fat the way bread stuffing does, but wild
birds usually aren't very fat anyway, and neither are small chickens and most turkeys. Taste stuffing,
add whatever seasonings you like with it. Use no conventional poultry seasonings, and remember too
it doesn't need so much salt as regular rice, maybe none. Remember that one cup of raw rice cooks up
to 4, and make an amount somewhat larger than needed to stuff your birds, because people like it a lot,
so put some in a (covered) casserole too. Before you stuff wild birds wash inside and out very well with
water that has baking soda and salt in it, then rinse. Then rub the cavity with butter.
Stuffing for a big fish: Use quite a bit of coarsely chopped celery, green onions, tarragon, parsley,
chervil and fry it lightly before mixing into the rice. Almonds is the best kind of nuts to put in a stuffing
for fish. Put some little lumps of butter all through it. Rub the inside of the fish with lemon juice mixed
with a little butter, sprinkle with dried tarragon. Stuff the cavity with rice and skewer or sew it shut. Put
the fish whole in a buttered covered baking dish, pour in a mixture of lemon juice. bouquet garni,
chopped shallot, olive oil, fish stock, and a mixture of lemon juice and water if you don't keep wine
around your house, otherwise use white wine. The mixture should have the fishes resting in at least 1/2
inch deep liquid but not covered by it. For several 4-lb pike (gaawag), bake in a 400 oven for 15
minutes, remove the cover and bake 15 minutes longer. Make add a cup of cream sauce from the
juices, pressing them through a sieve. If it's a really big pike or muskie, cut a board with slanted ends
to fit diagonally into your oven, cover it with tinfoil while it bakes, guesstimate the time based on lies
about its weight, don't cook any fish too done,

With deer-meat: ground deer meat partly-fried can be mixed into cooked rice with chopped fried onions
and simmered as a kind of stove-top casserole. You can also make the ground deer meat into little
meat balls and serve with a gravy over the rice. Of course you can do this with hamburger too, but fry
off some of its fat, first.

Gagoonz--Little Porcupines

1 lb ground venison or ftaless round steak

1/3 cup uncooked light brown wild rice

1 small onion minced very fine

1 seeded green pepper minced very fine

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 can tomatoes

1 can tomato soup

Combine meat, uncoooked rice, onion, green pepper, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly. Shape into 1& firm
meat balls. Bring soup and tomatoes in their liquid to a boil in frypan with tight cover, put in meat balls,

Native Foods -- Recipes--Wild Rice (3 of 5) [5/17/2004 11:52:06 AM]

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