Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1


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Lots of people, many kids, on northern reservations here and west into Montana,

can show you what they call "swamp tea" though there are two different plants
that different kids will show you. Only one of these is what was the traditional
swamp tea, Muskeegobug, Ledum glandulosum, or Laborador Tea as its main
common English name. The other was known as Odigadimanido, a special gift of the
spirit or Manido powers. That's Ceanothus ovatus, or New Jersey Tea in its
common English name.

Swamp tea or Muskeeg Anibi,
botannically named Ledum
glandulosum, common name Laborador
Tea, is found from Greenland to the
Rockies, and Northwest coast. In
Minnesota it doesn't usually flower this
big. This tea grows everywhere in the
north, a weed 1 - 3 feet tall. Most
reservation people know about it. It
contributes vitamins and minerals,
contains both thyeine and caffeine for a
pick-up and to still that coffee craving.
Tea can be made from crushed green

Native Foods -- Swamp teas (1 of 4) [5/17/2004 11:47:56 AM]

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