Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
1/4 lb chopped mushrooms
1/8 cup soy grits
1/2 cup sunflower seeds ground very coarse in blender with
1/3 cup peanuts
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tsp basil
1/2 tsp oregano
salt and pepper to taste
2 small cans tomato paste, 2 cans water
1 large can tomatoes and their juice
4 tbsp fine-grated Parmesan cheese
Fry onions, garlic sprinkled with herbs until golden in oil. Add soy grits, ground seeds and
nuts, fry 5 minutes. Add tomato paste, water, canned tomatoes, break up tomatoes with
spoon. Cover and simmer over low heat 2--30 minutes. Stir in Paremesan before assembling
tacos. Meat protein equivalent here to sauce made with 1 lb hamburger, 35% of day's protein
need per taco (with about 1/4 cup grated cheese on it).
In reality, of course, you will always be making much more sauce than these recipes, using
everyone's big frypans, etc. The basic procedure is to get young people to peel and chop the
onions if possible! Other than that, just dump everything in until it tastes right. For sauce,
unlike frybread, you can make big batches at once.
Prepare a big plastic bag full of cheese grated ahead of time and another of shredded lettuce.
Some onions for the sauce can be peeled and chopped in advance too; if so use 1 1/2 cupos
chopped onion proportional to the other amounts in each recipe.
At the booth: have plenty of paper towels, some cloth towels and potholders. If there is no
sink, bring some milk bottles of cleanup water with detergent, and sponges to wipe up as
you go along. Hairnets and discardable plastic gloves might be required by local food regs if
they inspect the powwow food vendors. Hairnets can be improvised, but have a box of those
gloves along, just in case. If there has been trouble about this before make sure everyone is
wearing them all the time and a big box of the gloves is sitting right out where they can see
it. Make booth crew arrangements so the same people aren't stuck there all day cooking.

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Copyright 1995, Paula Giese
Last Updated: Thursday, December 21, 1995 - 10:34:25 PM

Native Foods -- Recipes--Indian Tacos (2 of 2) [5/17/2004 11:55:07 AM]

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