Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1

USDA Nutritional Data for DEER; COOKED, ROASTED

You can compare the food values of deer meat with other kinds by entering meat
types into the database searcher's blank field at the top right of this page.

MOHAWK Kanataonesterokhonwe (the real [corn] bread) with meat. Serves??
Cannonballs was my ma-in-law's pumpernickel -- these babies are nukes. Goes
with meat, cuz you run out and clobber a cow with one of 'em!

FLASH UPDATE 1/2/97: Russ reports he forgot to include 2 cups of Oatmeal and
claims they won't be cannonballs or nukes if that's added>. I guess the oatmeal
gets added to the flour and cornmeal before the boiling water.

Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 23:28:38 -0800 (PST)
From: "Costanoan Indian Research Inc."
Subject: Re: Computer/Web artshow
To: Paula Giese

Hello Paula

Here is a good recipe...

Kanataonesterokhonwe (the real [corn] bread)

Mix 4 cups masa jarina, 2 cups white flour, 8 oz or so cooked, drained kidney
beans in large bowl. (10 cornbreads)

Meanwhile you have boiled several gallons of water in a huge pot - likely your
biggest one - or else this recipe won't work.

Scoop boiling water into the meal and mix until you get a very thick dough, very
hot and sticky - but real nice and solid - no whimpy dough here...

Now - this is why only Mohawk Women can do this right...scoop up a handfull of
the hot mix (keep the screaming down - it is not traditional) and using both hands,
pat into a ball about the size of a softball and flatten it out just a bit, dropping it into
the boiling water - when it floats, it's done and scoop them out as they get cooked.
Put it in a bowl or something - it will drain a bit.

While that's hot, you have braised (that's pan fried to you Lakota) a large/huge slab
of red meat in a giant skillet with lots of salt and pepper then made a gallon of hot
gravy from the drippings.

[PG Note: The slab of meat was obtained by running through the forest and/or
neighbor pasture and clobbering a large animal betwen the eyes with one of the
cornbreads. A large bear might require several clobberings. A very healthful

Native Foods -- Recipes--Deer & Meat (1 of 2) [5/17/2004 11:57:36 AM]

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