Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
Lloyd details the introduction, from tradition into Euro-American medicine, of all the plant drugs in the 1900 United States
Pharmacopoeia, with a monster bibliography.
The Eclectic Practice of Medicine by Rolla L. Thomas, M.D. (1907).
Published by Scudder, this was the primary teaching manual at the Eclectic Medical College. A big book, 1039 pages, it is organized
into 9 files.
Eclectic Biographies by Harvey Wickes Felter, 1912
Dr. John King - 118 Pages, bookmarked .pdf file, 8 illustrations - 1.1 MB
Dr. A. J. Howe - 125 Pages, bookmarked .pdf file, 10 illustrations - 465 K
Dr. John Milton Scudder - 124 Pages, bookmarked .pdf file, 8 illustrations - 368 K
Eclectic Medical Institute - 24 pages, bookmarked .pdf file, 15 illustrations - 208 K The alpha and omega of the Eclectic Movement,
lasting from 1845 to 1939, this is Felter's "biography" of the Mother School, as of 1912, when it had already graduated 4,000
physicians and was one of the largest medical schools in the midwest.
Useful Prescriptions by Cloyce Wilson, M.D. A manual for the use of Specific Medicines, published in 1935 by Lloyd Brothers
122 pages, bookmarked .pdf file, part text, part bitmap - 2.5 MB
Lloyd Brothers plant drug pamphlets (1897 to 1915). Pamphlets and folios on Aloes, Belladonna, Fringetree, Turkey Corn, Wild
Yam, Gelsemium, Hydrastis, Alfalfa, Nux Vomica, Pomegranate Night-Blooming Cereus, Damiana, Colocynth, Copaiba, Croton Oil,
Calabar Bean, Strophanthus, Coca, Hamamelis, Columbo, Ipecac, and some miscellaneous writings.
Sayre's Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy
A pharmacist's text from 1917 (4th edition) describing 621 plant and animal drugs, their sources, constituents, preparations and
physical nature, with over 300 illustrations. The book is divided into 6 Acrobat files
The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D.
The classic text from 1922 in an abridged form (botanicals only), by letter or as a single book...acrobat files only, as well as all 24
black-and-white photographs from the original edition.
American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
The classic Eclectic medical text from 1919, by chapter and group or as an alphabetical botanical-only version.
Fyfe's Materia Medica by John William Fyfe, M.D. (Eclectic Manual #6, 1903)
Besides the clarity of therapeutic uses, this manual is important for the number of little-known but common American botanicals that
he treats...such "new" remedies as Ailanthus, Ambrosia, Catalpa, Clematis, Kalmia, Oxydendron, Polemonium and
Culbreth's Materia Medica and Pharmacology
The classic 1927 pharmacist's textbook, listing all plant drugs that were or had been official in the U.S.P. and N.F....acrobat files only.
Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics (1907) by Fred Petersen, M.D.
A delightful and provocative physician's "how-to" workbook that combines botanicals, homeopathics, electricity, even light therapy,
written by an insightful rural Californian Eclectic physician.
A Therapeutic Guide to Alkaloidal Dosimetric Medication by John M. Shaller M.D - 1907
This was the best known of the "Dosimetric" medical manuals in the U.S. A widespread rather holistic model of medicine that was
practiced in both Europe and the United States, it focused on non-toxic administration of minute amount of refined drugs ("granules")
to modify inflammation and fevers.
The Eclectic Alkaloids by John Uri Lloyd
Lloyds careful delineation of how explotation and bad manufacturing almost killed the Medical Reform Movement of the 19th century

  • a cautionary tale for herbalists. (1910)
    Elixirs And Flavoring Extracts: Their History, Formulae, & Methods of Preparation, by John Uri Lloyd (1892)

Eclectic and Pharmaceutical Journals - classic texts
American Journal of Pharmacy (111 issues ) - the year of 1895, 12 issues and an advertisement supplement, is now
available) (11/03)
Acrobat files of herb and plant monographs and citations from one of the most influential pharmaceutical publications of the 1880s and
Ellingwood's Therapeutist Complete texts (21 issues)

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