Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1

The Herbalist® Version 2.1M

by David L. Hoffmann

Multimedia CD-ROM for Windows or Macintosh

This multimedia CD-ROM is intended for all involved in health care, whether practitioner or
patient, designed to introduce the skilled use of herbal medicines within a holistic
perspective. In addition to the expansive text, written by David L. Hoffmann, it contains
beautiful color photos, songs and verse by Jim Duke and narration by David Hoffmann
describing the herbs and their medicinal uses.

For thousands of years medicinal plants have been at the core of alleviating human suffering and promoting
health and well-being through the use of common plants. The essence of this accumulated knowledge on
medicinal plants is practiced in Europe under the name of Phytotherapy.
David L. Hoffmann, a leading authority on Phytotherapy, is a clinical herbalist from Britain where he was a
member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and faculty member of the School of Herbal
Medicine. He was the inaugural president of the American Herbalist Guild and has taught Phytotherapy
throughout the English speaking world. David brings hands-on experience to his wealth of detailed
knowledge and practice of Herbal Medicine. As a teacher, author and herbal consultant in North America,

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