as established Work in a particular pattern, as
previously set.
as foll Work as the instructions direct below.
as if to knit Knitwise; insert the needle into the stitch
the same way you would if you were knitting it.
as if to purl Purlwise; insert the needle into the stitch
the same way you would if you were purling it.
at the same time Work more than one set of
instructions simultaneously.
axis stitch The center stitch between two increases
or decreases.
bind off in patt Work stitch pattern while binding off.
bind off loosely Bind off without pulling the working
yarn too tight, so that the finished edge is elastic.
block Lay knit pieces out flat and dampen or steam them
to form them to the proper shape and measurements.
change to larger needles Use the larger needles
specified in the pattern, starting with the next row.
change to smaller needles Use the smaller needles
specified in the pattern, starting with the next row.
ending with a RS row Work a right side row as the
last row you work.
ending with a WS row Work a wrong side row as
the last row you work.
every other row Work as instructed on alternate
rows only.
fasten off At the end of a bind-off, pull the yarn
through the last stitch and tighten.
from beg From the cast-on edge; usually used to
direct where to start measuring a knitted piece.
Knitting Abbreviations
and Terms (continued)
join round When knitting in the round, work the first
stitch of the round so that the last stitch and the first
stitch join, forming a circle.
knitwise As if to knit; insert the needle into the stitch
the same way you would if you were knitting it.
lower edge Cast-on edge.
marker Something used to mark a point in a stitch
pattern or to mark a point in your knitting, be it a plastic
ring stitch marker, safety pin, or tied piece of yarn.
multiple The number of stitches necessary to achieve
one pattern repeat.
pick up and knit A method of picking up stitches, as
for a collar or button band, where the knitting needle
is inserted into the work, yarn is wrapped around the
needle as if to knit, and the new loop is pulled through.
place marker Slip a stitch marker onto the knitting
needle to indicate special instructions regarding the
stitch following; or place some other sort of marker,
such as a safety pin or strand of yarn, to indicate where
buttons will be.
purlwise As if to purl; insert the needle into the stitch
the same way you would if you were purling it.
reverse shaping When working something like a
cardigan, where the fronts are mirror images of each
other, instructions for shaping are given for one front;
you need to reverse those instructions for shaping
the other front.
right side (RS) The side of the knitting that will show.