Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1
More Complicated Stitch Patterns: Bobbles, Knots, and Cables
chapter 8


This is a delicate cable that looks complicated but is easy to do.

1 Row 1 (RS—cable row): P2, slip the next 3 stitches to a cable needle and hold
at back, k1, [p1, k1, p1] from the cable needle; slip the next stitch to a cable
needle and hold at front, [k1, p1, k1], k1 from the cable needle; p2.

2 Rows 2, 4, and 6 (WS): K2, p1, k1; repeat from twice, p2, k2.

3 Rows 3 and 5: P2, knit 1, p1; repeat from twice, k2, p2.

4 Row 7: P2, k1, p1, k3, p1, k2, p2.

5 Row 8: K2, p1, k1, p3, k1, p2, k2.

6 Repeat rows 1–8 for wishbone and seed stitch cable.


This cable uses the following abbreviations:

mb (make bobble): For a refresher on how to make a bobble, see page 96.
T3B: Slip the next stitch to a cable needle and hold at back, k2 from the left
needle, p1 from the cable needle.
T3F: Slip the next 2 stitches to a cable needle and hold at front, p1 from the
left needle, k2 from the cable needle.

1 Rows 1 and 5 (RS—bobble row): P5, k2, mb, k2, p5.

2 Rows 2, 4, 6, and 20 (WS): K5, p5, k5.

3 Row 3 (bobble row): P5, mb, k3, mb, p5.

4 Row 7 (cable row): P4, T3B, p1, T3F, p4.

5 Row 8: K4, p2, k1, p1, k1, p2, k4.

6 Row 9 (cable row): P3, T3B, k1, p1, k1, T3F, p3.

7 Row 10: K3, p3, k1, p1, k1, p3, k3.

8 Row 11 (cable row): P2, T3B, [p1, k1] twice, p1, T3F, p2.

9 Row 12: K2, p2, [k1, p1] three times, k1, p2, k2.

0 Row 13: P2, k3, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p2.

!Rows 14, 16, and 18: Repeat rows 12, 10, and 8, respectively.

@Row 15 (cable row): P2, T3F, [p1, k1] twice, p1, T3B, p2.

#Row 17 (cable row): P3, T3F, k1, p1, k1, T3B, p3.

$Row 19 (cable row): P4, T3F, p1, T3B, p4.

%Repeat rows 1–20 for hollow oak cable.

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