Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

3 K1 and bring the stitch before it over and off the right needle.

4 Repeat step 3 two more times.

You have bound off 4 stitches for a buttonhole.

5 Work to the end of the row as usual.


Buttonholes (continued)

6 On the wrong side, work until you get to the bound-off stitches.

7 Make a loop with the working yarn as shown; insert the right needle into the
loop and pull to tighten.
You have used the simple cast-on method to cast on 1 stitch.

This buttonhole is achieved by binding off stitches on one row and then
casting on stitches on the next.

1 On the right side, work to the point where you want the buttonhole to be
placed and then k2.

2 Insert the left needle from front to back into the first stitch of the pair just
knit; then pull it over the second stitch and off the right needle (to bind off).

How to Make a Two-Row Horizontal Buttonhole
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