Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Some buttonholes need to be
reinforced so that they don’t stretch
out and become distorted. Reinforcing
a buttonhole also gives it a tidy
appearance. The two methods covered
here—overcasting and buttonhole
stitch—should suit any instance.

The overcasting method of finishing works well on eyelet buttonholes.

1 Thread a tapestry needle with matching or contrast color yarn.

2 Bring the tapestry needle through from back to front, leaving a 6-inchtail at
the back, and loop the yarn from front to back around the perimeter of the
buttonhole, as shown.

How to Reinforce Buttonholes by Overcasting

Reinforce Buttonholes.

3 End your stitching on the wrong side. Cut the yarn, leaving a 6-inchtail.

4 Weave in the loose ends.

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