Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

A lot of Norwegian sweaters call for pewter clasps instead of buttons.
That doesn’t mean you can’t use them on a more contemporary
design, as they do add a nice touch. Yarn shops that sell patterns for
Scandinavian sweaters usually also sell clasps. You sew on clasps
by using a needle and thread. You have to take care to place the two
clasp components directly opposite each other so that the garment
closes snugly.

Finishing Details chapter 12


Some cardigan and jacket patterns call for zippers. The pattern should
indicate the zipper length and style—and perhaps even the color. After
sewing together your garment, you pin the zipper in place and then
sew it in by hand, using a needle and thread. You must be sure that
the edge that the zipper is sewn to is the same length as the zipper, or
your garment will be distorted. If sewing in a zipper is not something
you feel comfortable with, but you really want to make the sweater,
ask if your local yarn shop provides finishing services.

You can have fun with color by choosing a zipper that contrasts with
your garment’s main color. There are also numerous zipper pulls that
can be added for accent. Or you can try tying to the zipper pull a
pompom or tassel made in a matching or contrasting yarn.

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