This is good for outlining and also makes a nice stem for embroidered flowers.
1 Thread a tapestry needle with the yarn you want to embroider with. Make a^1 ⁄ 4 -
inchstraight stitch to start, leaving a 6-inchtail of thread at the back of your work.
2 Bring the needle back through from back to front just next to the center of the
stitch you made in step 1.
3 Holding the yarn with your left thumb above the point where it just came
through, reinsert the needle about^1 ⁄ 4 -inchto the right of the first stitch, bringing
the needle out at the end point of the first stitch.
4 Repeat step 3 to create stem stitch. When you are done, weave in the yarn end.
Decorate with
Embroidery (continued)
Satin stitch is a series of straight stitches used to fill in outlines. Take care not to pull
your stitches too tightly, or your knitting will pucker.
1 Thread a tapestry needle with the yarn you want to embroider with. Tie a knot in
the yarn end about 6 inches up from the bottom.
2 To begin, insert the needle from back to front, pulling the yarn through until the
knot stops it. Work a series of side-by-side straight stitches, varying the length to
suit the outline of the motif you’re filling.
3 When you are done, weave in the yarn end.
Cross-stitch gives your work the old-fashioned look of an embroidery sampler.
1 Thread a tapestry needle with the yarn you want to embroider with. Pull the
needle through from back to front, at the point that will be the lower-right
corner of the X, leaving a 6-inchtail of yarn at the back.
2 Insert the needle from front to back into the point that will be the upper-left
corner of the X, making one diagonal straight stitch. Pull the thread all the way
through but don’t pull it too tight.
3 Insert the needle from back to front at the point that will be the upper-right
corner of the X and pull the yarn through all the way.
4 End the X by inserting the needle from the front at the point that will be the
lower-left corner of the X and pull the yarn through all the way.
5 Repeat steps 1–4 for cross-stitch. When you are done, weave in the yarn end.