1 With size 6 needles and A, CO 25 (29, 33, 36) sts.
2 Knit 4 rows.
3 Change to size 7 needles and B, and, beg with a knit row, work in St st and
stripe patt until front measures 6 (6^1 ⁄ 2 , 7^1 ⁄ 2 , 8^1 ⁄ 2 ) inches from beg, ending with a
WS row.
4 Shape neck: Ssk, k across to end.
5 Next row (WS): Purl.
6 Continue to dec 1 st at neck edge, as established, beg every RS row,
maintaining stripe patt, until 16 (19, 21, 24) sts rem.
7 Continue without shaping until front measures same as back, ending with
the same stripe.
8 Cut yarn, leaving a long tail, and put sts onto holder for later.
Work as for right front, only shape neck at the end of RS rowsby k2tog last 2 sts.
1 With size 6 needles and A, CO 32 (34, 36, 38) sts.
2 Knit 4 rows.
3 Change to size 7 needles and work first 2 rows stripe patt.
Note:You may want to use a row counter to keep track of increase rows.
4 Next row (RS)—Begin sleeve shaping: Inc 1 st each end this row.
5 From here, inc 1 st each end every fourth row 4 (4, 7, 5) times, then every
eighth row 2 (3, 3, 6) times—maintaining stripe patt—to 46 (50, 58, 62) sts.
6 Work without further shaping until sleeve measures 6^1 ⁄ 2 (8, 10, 12) inches
from beg, ending with a WS row. BO firmly but not tightly, using same color
as final stripe.
7 Rep steps 1–6 to create second sleeve.
Left front
Simple Baby
Sweater (continued)