Happy Endings chapter 17
Sometimes you may have to unravel your work and start over, or
you may decide to unravel an out-of-date fashion and re-knit it into
something else. You can rejuvenate that kinky unraveled yarn.
Simply wind it into a loose hank, soak it in sudsy lukewarm water,
rinse well, and hang the hank to dry. When it’s dry, you can wind
the yarn loosely into a ball.
At some point, you may find yourself in a yarn shop choosing
materials for a new project but not remembering if you already have
the appropriate needles at home. Why not keep a record of what
needles you have on a small card in your wallet? That way you won’t
end up with too many duplicates. By the same token, you may want
to keep on hand a wish list of materials needed for projects you
want to make in the future. You never know when you might come
across the perfect yarn.
Finding a New Home for Old Yarn
If you’re like most knitters, eventually your stash gets so big that
you know you’ll never use some of it. And if your tastes change,
you may no longer love that yarn you just had to have a decade
ago. A fun way to get rid of part of your stash is to invite your
knitting friends for a stash giveaway. You win because you reduce
the size of your stash, and your friends win because they get new
and exciting yarns for free. A stash trade is fun, too, but of course
it means you’re adding more yarn to your own stash!