Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

If you are a diligent knitter who always makes a gauge swatch before starting a project, you will
end up with quite a collection of interesting little squares. Don’t throw them away because there
are many things you can do with these swatches.

Some knitters like to keep a diary or
scrapbook of the projects they have
completed. Putting your gauge swatch,
along with notes about and photos of
the project, into a scrapbook can be a
useful resource to look back on when
working on new projects. Keeping
such a record will also track your
progress as a knitter.

You can sew swatches together to
make a colorful throw or a doll
blanket. Or why not sew two squares
together to make a bean bag? Six
4 -inchswatches makes a set of three
colorful bean bags for juggling. Four
4 -inchswatches knit in cotton make
a unique washcloth. Perhaps thinking
of fun gauge swatch projects will
provide the impetus to knit a swatch
before beginning every bigger project.

Happy Endings chapter 17

Working with Swatches.

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