3 Use your left forefinger to wrap the yarn around the right needle from front
to back, between the needles, and back to the front of the right needle.
Note:This is a small, quick motion involving flicking your left forefinger down, bringing the yarn
between the needles and then back up, and creating a loop on the right needle.
Basic Techniques
chapter 2
4 Pull the right needle toward the back,
bringing the new loop of yarn you just
wrapped around it through the cast-on
stitch (a); then slip the cast-on stitch
off the left needle (b).
You now have 1 stitch on the right needle—
your first purl stitch.
Note:You may want to use your right forefinger to keep
the wrapped strand from slipping off the tip of the needle
at step 4 (a).
5 Repeat steps 2–4 for each remaining cast-on stitch, until all the new stitches
are on the right needle.
When you have purled all the stitches from the left needle, you have
completed one rowof purling.
6 Switch the needle with stitches on it back to your left hand and repeat steps
2–5 for each row.
a b