Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1


Sometimes you have no choice but to join a new yarn in the middle of a row. If
you’re knitting in the round, or if you’re working on a color pattern that changes
in the middle of a row, for example, this is what you have to do. Make sure you
have at least 6 inches of the old yarn left to weave in later.

1 Work the next stitch using the new yarn; knit if it should be a knit stitch or
purl if it should be a purl stitch.

Basic Techniques
chapter 2

2 After you complete the row, tie the two ends together somewhat loosely
so that they don’t become unraveled.
Note:When you finish your project, you can untie the knot and weave in the ends to hide them.

Splicing works only with yarn that is the same
color and that has more than one ply (that is, is
made up of more than one strand of fiber twisted
together). It works well for joins in the middle of
a row and has the advantage of not creating a
bumpy knot in the back; it has the disadvantage
of taking some skill to master.
1 Untwist the ends of the old yarn and the new
yarn for 3 to 4 inches and separate the plies
into two clumps for each yarn.
2 Twist one clump of strands from the old yarn
together with one clump of strands from the new yarn. Continue working the row as usual with the new yarn.
Note:You can weave in the loose plies later.

How to Splice New Yarn

1 2

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