To make your knitting wider, you need
to increase,or add, a stitch or stitches.
There are many types of increases, each
with a different appearance or purpose.
You can keep track of when to
increase more easily when you do it on
the same side (usually the front side)
every time, and you can better see how it
will look finished. It is also a good idea
to perform increases a couple stitches in
from the beginning or end of a row, so
as not to create an uneven edge.
This increase is called a bar increasebecause it
creates a visible horizontal bar of yarn where the
increase is made. You should knit 1 or 2 stitches
at the beginning of the row before making a bar
1 Insert the right needle into the next stitch and
knit it, except don’t bring the old stitch up
and off the left needle (a); then insert the
right needle into the back of the same stitch
and knit it again (b).
Bar Increase
1 Stitch
2 Bring the stitch you knit into twice off the left needle.
You should have 2 new stitches on the right needle: the one you knit into
the front of the stitch and the one you knit into the back of it.
a b