When you need to make your knitting
narrower, you decreasestitches.
There are several methods for decreas-
ing, each with different effects. You
should take some time to practice the
different methods so you can see how
they transform your knitting.
These are two of the most commonly used decreases. The knit 2 together is per-
formed with knit stitches, and the purl 2 together is performed with purl stitches.
Both decreases can be used at any point in a row of knitting or purling. This
decrease, either knit or purled, slants somewhat to the right on the front side of
a piece of knitting.
1 Insert the right needle into the front of the next 2 stitches (as if to knit) on
the left needle.
2 Wrap the yarn around the right needle and knit the 2 stitches as 1 stitch.
Knit 2 Together/Purl 2 Together
Decrease 1 Stitch.
1 Insert the right needle from back to front into the front of the next 2 stitches
(as if to purl) on the left needle.
2 Wrap the yarn around the right needle and purl the 2 stitches as 1 stitch.