Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

3 Insert the left needle into the fronts of both slipped stitches and then knit
them as 1 stitch.


1 Stitch (continued)

You can see that the slip, slip, knit decrease slants subtly to the left.

This decrease is practically invisible. It is worked on the front side of a piece of
knitting, and it slants to the left. If you want to shape your knitting on both sides
symmetrically, you can begin the row with a slip, slip, knit and end the row with a
knit 2 together.

1 Insert the right needle from front to back into the front of the next stitch
on the left needle and slip it onto the right needle.

2 Repeat step 1.

You have slipped 2 stitches from the left needle to the right needle.

Slip, Slip, Knit

Finished decrease
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