Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

we must seek the welfare even of those who offend us. How justly will those be condemned, who,
though they bear the Christian name, persist in unmerciful treatment of their brethren! The humbled
sinner relies only on free, abounding mercy, through the ransom of the death of Christ. Let us seek
more and more for the renewing grace of God, to teach us to forgive others as we hope for
forgiveness from him.

Chapter 19

Chapter Outline
Jesus enters Judea. (1, 2)
The Pharisees' question about divorces. (3–12)
Young children brought to Jesus. (13–15)
The rich young man's inquiry. (16–22)
The recompence of Christ's followers. (23–30)

Verses 1, 2

Great multitudes followed Christ. When Christ departs, it is best for us to follow him. They
found him as able and ready to help elsewhere, as he had been in Galilee; wherever the Sun of
Righteousness arose, it was with healing in his wings.

Verses 3–12

The Pharisees were desirous of drawing something from Jesus which they might represent as
contrary to the law of Moses. Cases about marriage have been numerous, and sometimes perplexed;
made so, not by the law of God, but by the lusts and follies of men; and often people fix what they
will do, before they ask for advice. Jesus replied by asking whether they had not read the account
of the creation, and the first example of marriage; thus pointing out that every departure therefrom
was wrong. That condition is best for us, and to be chosen and kept to accordingly, which is best
for our souls, and tends most to prepare us for, and preserve us to, the kingdom of heaven. When
the gospel is really embraced, it makes men kind relatives and faithful friends; it teaches them to
bear the burdens, and to bear with the infirmities of those with whom they are connected, to consider
their peace and happiness more than their own. As to ungodly persons, it is proper that they should
be restrained by laws, from breaking the peace of society. And we learn that the married state should
be entered upon with great seriousness and earnest prayer.

Verses 13–15

It is well when we come to Christ ourselves, and bring our children. Little children may be
brought to Christ as needing, and being capable of receiving blessings from him, and having an

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