Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

he comes in the name of the Lord. Let him have our best affections; he is a blessed Saviour, and
brings blessings to us, and blessed be He that sent him. Praises be to our God, who is in the highest
heavens, over all, God blessed for ever.

Verses 12–18

Christ looked to find some fruit, for the time of gathering figs, though it was near, was not yet
come; but he found none. He made this fig-tree an example, not to the trees, but to the men of that
generation. It was a figure of the doom upon the Jewish church, to which he came seeking fruit,
but found none. Christ went to the temple, and began to reform the abuses in its courts, to show
that when the Redeemer came to Zion, it was to turn away ungodliness from Jacob. The scribes
and the chief priests sought, not how they might make their peace with him, but how they might
destroy him. A desperate attempt, which they could not but fear was fighting against God.

Verses 19–26

The disciples could not think why that fig-tree should so soon wither away; but all wither who
reject Christ; it represented the state of the Jewish church. We should rest in no religion that does
not make us fruitful in good works. Christ taught them from hence to pray in faith. It may be applied
to that mighty faith with which all true Christians are endued, and which does wonders in spiritual
things. It justifies us, and so removes mountains of guilt, never to rise up in judgment against us.
It purifies the heart, and so removes mountains of corruption, and makes them plain before the
grace of God. One great errand to the throne of grace is to pray for the pardon of our sins; and care
about this ought to be our daily concern.

Verses 27–33

Our Saviour shows how near akin his doctrine and baptism were to those of John; they had the
same design and tendency, to bring in the gospel kingdom. These elders did not deserve to be
taught; for it was plain that they contended not for truth, but victory: nor did he need to tell them;
for the works he did, told them plainly he had authority from God; since no man could do the
miracles which he did, unless God were with him.

Chapter 12

Chapter Outline
The parable of the vineyard and (1–12)
Question about tribute. (13–17)
Concerning the resurrection. (18–27)
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