Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Those who sincerely desire to be taught their duty, Christ will guide in judgment, and teach his
way. He tells the scribe that the great commandment, which indeed includes all, is, that of loving
God with all our hearts. Wherever this is the ruling principle in the soul, there is a disposition to
every other duty. Loving God with all our heart, will engage us to every thing by which he will be
pleased. The sacrifices only represented the atonements for men's transgressions of the moral law;
they were of no power except as they expressed repentance and faith in the promised Saviour, and
as they led to moral obedience. And because we have not thus loved God and man, but the very
reverse, therefore we are condemned sinners; we need repentance, and we need mercy. Christ
approved what the scribe said, and encouraged him. He stood fair for further advance; for this
knowledge of the law leads to conviction of sin, to repentance, to discovery of our need of mercy,
and understanding the way of justification by Christ.

Verses 35–40

When we attend to what the Scriptures declare, as to the person and offices of Christ, we shall
be led to confess him as our Lord and God; to obey him as our exalted Redeemer. If the common
people hear these things gladly, while the learned and distinguished oppose, the former are happy,
and the latter to be pitied. And as sin, disguised with a show of piety, is double iniquity, so its doom
will be doubly heavy.

Verses 41–44

Let us not forget that Jesus still sees the treasury. He knows how much, and from what motives,
men give to his cause. He looks at the heart, and what our views are, in giving alms; and whether
we do it as unto the Lord, or only to be seen of men. It is so rare to find any who would not blame
this widow, that we cannot expect to find many who will do like to her; and yet our Saviour
commends her, therefore we are sure that she did well and wisely. The feeble efforts of the poor
to honour their Saviour, will be commended in that day, when the splendid actions of unbelievers
will be exposed to contempt.

Chapter 13

Chapter Outline
The destruction of the temple foretold. (1–4)
Christ's prophetic declaration. (5–13)
Christ's prophecy. (14–23)
His prophetic declarations. (24–27)
Watchfulness urged. (28–37)
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