Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

latter rashly and without thought call Christ Master, and express great affection for him, yet betray
him to his enemies. Thus they hasten their own destruction.

Verses 53–65

We have here Christ's condemnation before the great council of the Jews. Peter followed; but
the high priest's fire-side was no proper place, nor his servants proper company, for Peter: it was
an entrance into temptation. Great diligence was used to procure false witnesses against Jesus, yet
their testimony was not equal to the charge of a capital crime, by the utmost stretch of their law.
He was asked, Art thou the Son of the Blessed? that is, the Son of God. For the proof of his being
the Son of God, he refers to his second coming. In these outrages we have proofs of man's enmity
to God, and of God's free and unspeakable love to man.

Verses 66–72

Peter's denying Christ began by keeping at a distance from him. Those that are shy of godliness,
are far in the way to deny Christ. Those who think it dangerous to be in company with Christ's
disciples, because thence they may be drawn in to suffer for him, will find it much more dangerous
to be in company with his enemies, because there they may be drawn in to sin against him. When
Christ was admired and flocked after, Peter readily owned him; but will own no relation to him
now he is deserted and despised. Yet observe, Peter's repentance was very speedy. Let him that
thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall; and let him that has fallen think of these things, and of
his own offences, and return to the Lord with weeping and supplication, seeking forgiveness, and
to be raised up by the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 15

Chapter Outline
Christ before Pilate. (1–14)
Christ led to be crucified. (15–21)
The crucifixion. (22–32)
The death of Christ. (33–41)
His body buried. (42–47)

Verses 1–14

They bound Christ. It is good for us often to remember the bonds of the Lord Jesus, as bound
with him who was bound for us. By delivering up the King, they, in effect, delivered up the kingdom
of God, which was, therefore, as by their own consent, taken from them, and given to another
nation. Christ gave Pilate a direct answer, but would not answer the witnesses, because the things

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