Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

never were men so privileged, yet one of them had a devil, and proved a traitor. Those who have
not faithful preaching near them, had better travel far than be without it. It is indeed worth while
to go a great way to hear the word of Christ, and to go out of the way of other business for it. They
came to be cured by him, and he healed them. There is a fulness of grace in Christ, and healing
virtue in him, ready to go out from him, that is enough for all, enough for each. Men regard the
diseases of the body as greater evils than those of their souls; but the Scripture teaches us differently.

Verses 20–26

Here begins a discourse of Christ, most of which is also found in Mt 5; 7. But some think that
this was preached at another time and place. All believers that take the precepts of the gospel to
themselves, and live by them, may take the promises of the gospel to themselves, and live upon
them. Woes are denounced against prosperous sinners as miserable people, though the world envies
them. Those are blessed indeed whom Christ blesses, but those must be dreadfully miserable who
fall under his woe and curse! What a vast advantage will the saint have over the sinner in the other
world! and what a wide difference will there be in their rewards, how much soever the sinner may
prosper, and the saint be afflicted here!

Verses 27–36

These are hard lessons to flesh and blood. But if we are thoroughly grounded in the faith of
Christ's love, this will make his commands easy to us. Every one that comes to him for washing in
his blood, and knows the greatness of the mercy and the love there is in him, can say, in truth and
sincerity, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Let us then aim to be merciful, even according to
the mercy of our heavenly Father to us.

Verses 37–49

All these sayings Christ often used; it was easy to apply them. We ought to be very careful
when we blame others; for we need allowance ourselves. If we are of a giving and a forgiving spirit,
we shall ourselves reap the benefit. Though full and exact returns are made in another world, not
in this world, yet Providence does what should encourage us in doing good. Those who follow the
multitude to do evil, follow in the broad way that leads to destruction. The tree is known by its
fruits; may the word of Christ be so grafted in our hearts, that we may be fruitful in every good
word and work. And what the mouth commonly speaks, generally agrees with what is most in the
heart. Those only make sure work for their souls and eternity, and take the course that will profit
in a trying time, who think, speak, and act according to the words of Christ. Those who take pains
in religion, found their hope upon Christ, who is the Rock of Ages, and other foundation can no
man lay. In death and judgment they are safe, being kept by the power of Christ through faith unto
salvation, and they shall never perish.

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