Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 10–17

Our Lord Jesus attended upon public worship on the sabbaths. Even bodily infirmities, unless
very grievous, should not keep us from public worship on sabbath days. This woman came to Christ
to be taught, and to get good to her soul, and then he relieved her bodily infirmity. This cure
represents the work of Christ's grace upon the soul. And when crooked souls are made straight,
they will show it by glorifying God. Christ knew that this ruler had a real enmity to him and to his
gospel, and that he did but cloak it with a pretended zeal for the sabbath day; he really would not
have them be healed any day; but if Jesus speaks the word, and puts forth his healing power, sinners
are set free. This deliverance is often wrought on the Lord's day; and whatever labour tends to put
men in the way of receiving the blessing, agrees with the design of that day.

Verses 18–22

Here is the progress of the gospel foretold in two parables, as in Mt 13. The kingdom of the
Messiah is the kingdom of God. May grace grow in our hearts; may our faith and love grow
exceedingly, so as to give undoubted evidence of their reality. May the example of God's saints be
blessed to those among whom they live; and may his grace flow from heart to heart, until the little
one becomes a thousand.

Verses 23–30

Our Saviour came to guide men's consciences, not to gratify their curiosity. Ask not, How many
shall be saved? But, Shall I be one of them? Not, What shall become of such and such? But, What
shall I do, and what will become of me? Strive to enter in at the strait gate. This is directed to each
of us; it is, Strive ye. All that will be saved, must enter in at the strait gate, must undergo a change
of the whole man. Those that would enter in, must strive to enter. Here are awakening considerations,
to enforce this exhortation. Oh that we may be all awakened by them! They answer the question,
Are there few that shall be saved? But let none despond either as to themselves or others, for there
are last who shall be first, and first who shall be last. If we reach heaven, we shall meet many there
whom we little thought to meet, and miss many whom we expected to find.

Verses 31–35

Christ, in calling Herod a fox, gave him his true character. The greatest of men were accountable
to God, therefore it became him to call this proud king by his own name; but it is not an example
for us. I know, said our Lord, that I must die very shortly; when I die, I shall be perfected, I shall
have completed my undertaking. It is good for us to look upon the time we have before us as but
little, that we may thereby be quickened to do the work of the day in its day. The wickedness of
persons and places which more than others profess religion and relation to God, especially displeases
and grieves the Lord Jesus. The judgment of the great day will convince unbelievers; but let us
learn thankfully to welcome, and to profit by all who come in the name of the Lord, to call us to
partake of his great salvation.

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