Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

does not in the least do away his own caution, which is, that our hearts be not at any time overcharged
with surfeiting and drunkenness, Lu 21:34. Though we need not scruple to feast with our friends
on proper occasions, yet every social interview should be so conducted, that we might invite the
Redeemer to join with us, if he were now on earth; and all levity, luxury, and excess offend him.

Verses 12–22

The first public work in which we find Christ engaged, was driving from the temple the traders
whom the covetous priests and rulers encouraged to make a market-place of its courts. Those now
make God's house a house of merchandise, whose minds are filled with cares about worldly business
when attending religious exercises, or who perform Divine offices for love of gain. Christ, having
thus cleansed the temple, gave a sign to those who demanded it, to prove his authority for so doing.
He foretells his death by the Jews' malice, Destroy ye this temple; I will permit you to destroy it.
He foretells his resurrection by his own power; In three days I will raise it up. Christ took again
his own life. Men mistake by understanding that according to the letter, which the Scripture speaks
by way of figure. When Jesus was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered he has said this.
It helps much in understanding the Divine word, to observe the fulfilling of the Scriptures.

Verses 23–25

Our Lord knew all men, their nature, dispositions, affections, designs, so as we do not know
any man, not even ourselves. He knows his crafty enemies, and all their secret projects; his false
friends, and their true characters. He knows who are truly his, knows their uprightness, and knows
their weaknesses. We know what is done by men; Christ knows what is in them, he tries the heart.
Beware of a dead faith, or a formal profession: carnal, empty professors are not to be trusted, and
however men impose on others or themselves, they cannot impose on the heart-searching God.

Chapter 3

Chapter Outline
Christ's discourse with Nicodemus. (1–21)
The baptism of John of Christ John's (22–36)

Verses 1–8

Nicodemus was afraid, or ashamed to be seen with Christ, therefore came in the night. When
religion is out of fashion, there are many Nicodemites. But though he came by night, Jesus bid him
welcome, and hereby taught us to encourage good beginnings, although weak. And though now he
came by night, yet afterward he owned Christ publicly. He did not talk with Christ about state
affairs, though he was a ruler, but about the concerns of his own soul and its salvation, and went

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