Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

needful for the Holy Spirit to make known the times and seasons of these dispensations. These
subjects are still left obscure. But when sinners are convinced of their sins, they will cry to the Lord
for pardon; and to the penitent, converted, and believing, times of refreshment will come from the
presence of the Lord. In a state of trial and probation, the glorified Redeemer will be out of sight,
because we must live by faith in him.

Verses 22–26

Here is a powerful address to warn the Jews of the dreadful consequences of their unbelief, in
the very words of Moses, their favourite prophet, out of pretended zeal for whom they were ready
to reject Christianity, and to try to destroy it. Christ came into the world to bring a blessing with
him. And he sent his Spirit to be the great blessing. Christ came to bless us, by turning us from our
iniquities, and saving us from our sins. We, by nature cleave to sin; the design of Divine grace is
to turn us from it, that we may not only forsake, but hate it. Let none think that they can be happy
by continuing in sin, when God declares that the blessing is in being turned from all iniquity. Let
none think that they understand or believe the gospel, who only seek deliverance from the punishment
of sin, but do not expect happiness in being delivered from sin itself. And let none expect to be
turned from their sin, except by believing in, and receiving Christ the Son of God, as their wisdom,
righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

Chapter 4

Chapter Outline
Peter and John imprisoned. (1–4)
The apostles boldly testify to Christ. (5–14)
Peter and John refuse to be silenced. (15–22)
The believers unite in prayer and praise. (23–31)
The holy charity of the Christians. (32–37)

Verses 1–4

The apostles preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. It includes all the happiness
of the future state; this they preached through Jesus Christ, to be had through him only. Miserable
is their case, to whom the glory of Christ's kingdom is a grief; for since the glory of that kingdom
is everlasting, their grief will be everlasting also. The harmless and useful servants of Christ, like
the apostles, have often been troubled for their work of faith and labour of love, when wicked men
have escaped. And to this day instances are not wanting, in which reading the Scriptures, social
prayer, and religious conversation meet with frowns and checks. But if we obey the precepts of
Christ, he will support us.

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