Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 14–21

The apostle was persuaded that the Roman Christians were filled with a kind and affectionate
spirit, as well as with knowledge. He had written to remind them of their duties and their dangers,
because God had appointed him the minister of Christ to the Gentiles. Paul preached to them; but
what made them sacrifices to God, was, their sanctification; not his work, but the work of the Holy
Ghost: unholy things can never be pleasing to the holy God. The conversion of souls pertains unto
God; therefore it is the matter of Paul's glorying, not the things of the flesh. But though a great
preacher, he could not make one soul obedient, further than the Spirit of God accompanied his
labours. He principally sought the good of those that sat in darkness. Whatever good we do, it is
Christ who does it by us.

Verses 22–29

The apostle sought the things of Christ more than his own will, and would not leave his work
of planting churches to go to Rome. It concerns all to do that first which is most needful. We must
not take it ill if our friends prefer work which is pleasing to God, before visits and compliments,
which may please us. It is justly expected from all Christians, that they should promote every good
work, especially that blessed work, the conversion of souls. Christian society is a heaven upon
earth, an earnest of our gathering together unto Christ at the great day. Yet it is but partial, compared
with our communion with Christ; for that only will satisfy the soul. The apostle was going to
Jerusalem, as the messenger of charity. God loves a cheerful giver. Every thing that passes between
Christians should be a proof and instance of the union they have in Jesus Christ. The Gentiles
received the gospel of salvation from the Jews; therefore were bound to minister to them in what
was needed for the body. Concerning what he expected from them he speaks doubtfully; but
concerning what he expected from God he speaks confidently. We cannot expect too little from
man, nor too much from God. And how delightful and advantageous it is to have the gospel with
the fulness of its blessings! What wonderful and happy effects does it produce, when attended with
the power of the Spirit!

Verses 30–33

Let us learn to value the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. How careful should we be,
lest we forfeit our interest in the love and prayers of God's praying people! If we have experienced
the Spirit's love, let us not be wanting in this office of kindness for others. Those that would prevail
in prayer, must strive in prayer. Those who beg the prayers of others, must not neglect to pray for
themselves. And though Christ knows our state and wants perfectly, he will know them from us.
As God must be sought, for restraining the ill-will of our enemies, so also for preserving and
increasing the good-will of our friends. All our joy depends upon the will of God. Let us be earnest
in prayer with and for each other, that for Christ's sake, and by the love of the Holy Spirit, great
blessings may come upon the souls of Christians, and the labours of ministers.

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