Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 36–40

The apostle is thought to give advice here about the disposal of children in marriage. In this
view, the general meaning is plain. Children should seek and follow the directions of their parents
as to marriage. And parents should consult their children's wishes; and not reckon they have power
to do with them, and dictate just as they please, without reason. The whole is closed with advice
to widows. Second marriages are not unlawful, so that it is kept in mind, to marry in the Lord. In
our choice of relations, and change of conditions, we should always be guided by the fear of God,
and the laws of God, and act in dependence on the providence of God. Change of condition ought
only to be made after careful consideration, and on probable grounds, that it will be to advantage
in our spiritual concerns.

Chapter 8

Chapter Outline
The danger of having a high conceit of (1–6)
The mischief of offending weak brethren. (7–13)

Verses 1–6

There is no proof of ignorance more common than conceit of knowledge. Much may be known,
when nothing is known to good purpose. And those who think they know any thing, and grow vain
thereon, are the least likely to make good use of their knowledge. Satan hurts some as much by
tempting them to be proud of mental powers, as others, by alluring to sensuality. Knowledge which
puffs up the possessor, and renders him confident, is as dangerous as self-righteous pride, though
what he knows may be right. Without holy affections all human knowledge is worthless. The
heathens had gods of higher and lower degree; gods many, and lords many; so called, but not such
in truth. Christians know better. One God made all, and has power over all. The one God, even the
Father, signifies the Godhead as the sole object of all religious worship; and the Lord Jesus Christ
denotes the person of Emmanuel, God manifest in the flesh, One with the Father, and with us; the
appointed Mediator, and Lord of all; through whom we come to the Father, and through whom the
Father sends all blessings to us, by the influence and working of the Holy Spirit. While we refuse
all worship to the many who are called gods and lords, and to saints and angels, let us try whether
we really come to God by faith in Christ.

Verses 7–13

Eating one kind of food, and abstaining from another, have nothing in them to recommend a
person to God. But the apostle cautions against putting a stumbling-block in the way of the weak;

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