Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

It became evident, that happy was the man who had the ark near him. Christ is indeed a Stone
of stumbling, and a Rock of offence, to those that are disobedient; but to those that believe, he is
a Corner-stone, elect, precious, 1Pe 2:6–8. Let us be religious. Is the ark a blessing to others' houses?
We may have it, and the blessing of it, without fetching it away from our neighbours. David, at
first setting out, offered sacrifices to God. We are likely to speed in our enterprises, when we begin
with God, and give diligence to seek peace with him. And we are so unworthy, and our services
are so defiled, that all our joy in God must be connected with repentance and faith in the Redeemer's
atoning blood. David attended with high expressions of joy. We ought to serve God with our whole
body and soul, and with every endowment and power we possess. On this occasion David laid aside
his royal robes, and put on a plain linen dress. David prayed with and for the people, and as a
prophet, solemnly blessed them in the name of the Lord.

Verses 20–23

David returned to bless his household, to pray with them, and for them, and to offer up family
thanksgiving for this national mercy. It is angels' work to worship God, surely that cannot lower
the greatest of men. But even the palaces of princes are not free from family troubles. Exercises of
religion appear mean in the eyes of those who have little or no religion themselves. If we can
approve ourselves to God in what we do in religion, and do it as before the Lord, we need not heed
reproach. Piety will have its praise: let us not be indifferent in it, nor afraid or ashamed to own it.
David was contented to justify himself, and he did not further reprove or blame Michal's insolence;
but God punished her. Those that honour God, he will honour; but those that despise him, and his
servants and service, shall be lightly esteemed.

Chapter 7

Chapter Outline
David's care for the ark. (1–3)
God's covenant with David. (4–17)
His prayer and thanksgiving. (18–29)

Verses 1–3

David being at rest in his palace, considered how he might best employ his leisure and prosperity
in the service of God. He formed a design to build a temple for the ark. Nathan here did not speak
as a prophet, but as a godly man, encouraging David by his private judgment. We ought to do all
we can to encourage and promote the good purposes and designs of others, and, as we have
opportunity, to forward a good work.

Verses 4–17

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