Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

When there is no evil abroad, then let us be ready and active in that which is good, and get forward.
Let God's promises quicken our endeavours. And all outward skill and advantages should be made
serviceable to the interests of Christ's kingdom. It Tyre supplies Israel with craftsmen, Israel will
supply Tyre with corn, Eze 27:17. Thus, by the wise disposal of Providence, one country has need
of another, and is benefitted by another, that there may be dependence on one another, to the glory
of God.

Verses 10–18

The temple was chiefly built by the riches and labour of Gentiles, which typified their being
called into the church. Solomon commanded, and they brought costly stones for the foundation.
Christ, who is laid for a Foundation, is a chosen and precious Stone. We should lay our foundation
firm, and bestow most pains on that part of our religion which lies out of the sight of men. And
happy those who, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, for a habitation of God through
the Spirit. Who among us will build in the house of the Lord?

Chapter 6

Chapter Outline
The building of Solomon's temple. (1–10)
Promise given concerning the temple. (11–14)
Particulars respecting the temple. (15–38)

Verses 1–10

The temple is called the house of the Lord, because it was directed and modelled by him, and
was to be employed in his service. This gave it the beauty of holiness, that it was the house of the
Lord, which was far beyond all other beauties. It was to be the temple of the God of peace, therefore
no iron tool must be heard; quietness and silence suit and help religious exercises. God's work
should be done with much care and little noise. Clamour and violence often hinder, but never further
the work of God. Thus the kingdom of God in the heart of man grows up in silence, Mr 5:27.

Verses 11–14

None employ themselves for God, without having his eye upon them. But God plainly let
Solomon know that all the charge for building this temple, would neither excuse from obedience
to the law of God, nor shelter from his judgments, in case of disobedience.

Verses 15–38

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