Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Christ is now the Temple and the Builder; the Altar and the Sacrifice; the Light of our souls,
and the Bread of life; able to supply all the wants of all that have applied or shall apply to him.
Outward images cannot represent, words cannot express, the heart cannot conceive, his preciousness
or his love. Let us come to him, and wash away our sins in his blood; let us seek for the purifying
grace of his Spirit; let us maintain communion with the Father through his intercession, and yield
up ourselves and all we have to his service. Being strengthened by him, we shall be accepted, useful,
and happy.

Chapter 8

Chapter Outline
The dedication of the temple. (1–11)
The occasion. (12–21)
Solomon's prayer. (22–53)
His blessing and exhortation. (54–61)
Solomon's peace-offerings. (62–66)

Verses 1–11

The bringing in the ark, is the end which must crown the work: this was done with great
solemnity. The ark was fixed in the place appointed for its rest in the inner part of the house, whence
they expected God to speak to them, even in the most holy place. The staves of the ark were drawn
out, so as to direct the high priest to the mercy-seat over the ark, when he went in, once a year, to
sprinkle the blood there; so that they continued of use, though there was no longer occasion to carry
it by them. The glory of God appearing in a cloud may signify, 1. The darkness of that dispensation,
in comparison with the light of the gospel, by which, with open face, we behold, as in a glass, the
glory of the Lord. 2. The darkness of our present state, in comparison with the sight of God, which
will be the happiness of heaven, where the Divine glory is unveiled.

Verses 12–21

Solomon encouraged the priests, who were much astonished at the dark cloud. The dark
dispensations of Providence should quicken us in fleeing for refuge to the hope of the gospel.
Nothing can more reconcile us to them, than to consider what God has said, and to compare his
word and works together. Whatever good we do, we must look on it as the performance of God's
promise to us, not of our promises to him.

Verses 22–53

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