Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 25–29

Names do not make natures, but it was bad for Jehoshaphat's family to borrow names from
Ahab's. Ahaziah's relation to Ahab's family was the occasion of his wickedness and of his fall.
When men choose wives for themselves, let them remember they are choosing mothers for their
children. Providence so ordered it, that Ahaziah might be cut off with the house of Ahab, when the
measure of their iniquity was full. Those who partake with sinners in their sin, must expect to
partake with them in their plagues. May all the changes, troubles, and wickedness of the world,
make us more earnest to obtain an interest in the salvation of Christ.

Chapter 9

Chapter Outline
Elisha sends to anoint Jehu. (1–10)
Jehu and the captains. (11–15)
Joram and Ahaziah slain by Jehu. (16–29)
Jezebel eaten by dogs. (30–37)

Verses 1–10

In these and the like events, we must acknowledge the secret working of God, disposing men
to fulfil his purposes respecting them. Jehu was anointed king over Israel, by the Lord's special
choice. The Lord still had a remnant of his people, and would yet preserve his worship among them.
Of this Jehu was reminded. He was commanded to destroy the house of Ahab, and, as far as he
acted in obedience to God, and upon right principles, he needed not to regard reproach or opposition.
The murder of God's prophets is strongly noticed. Jezebel persisted in idolatry and enmity to Jehovah
and his servants, and her iniquity was now full.

Verses 11–15

Those who faithfully deliver the Lord's message to sinners, have in all ages been treated as
madmen. Their judgment, speech, and conduct are contrary to those of other men; they endure
much in pursuit of objects, and are influenced by motives, into which the others cannot enter. But
above all, the charge is brought by the worldly and ungodly of all sorts, who are mad indeed; while
the principles and practice of the devoted servants of God, prove to be wise and reasonable. Some
faith in the word of God, seems to have animated Jehu to this undertaking.

Verses 16–29

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