Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 17–21

Let us review the character of Jehoash, and consider what we may learn from it. When we see
what a sad conclusion there was to so promising a beginning, it ought to make us seek into our
spiritual declinings. If we know any thing of Christ as the foundation of our faith and hope, let us
desire to know nothing but Christ. May the work of the blessed Spirit on our souls be manifest;
may we see, feel, and be earnest, in seeking after Jesus in all his fulness, suitableness, and grace,
that our souls may be brought over from dead works to serve the living and true God.

Chapter 13

Chapter Outline
Reign of Jehoahaz. (1–9)
Jehoash, king of Israel, Elisha dying. (10–19)
Elisha's death, The victories of Jehoash. (20–25)

Verses 1–9

It was the ancient honour of Israel that they were a praying people. Jehoahaz, their king, in his
distress, besought the Lord; applied himself for help, but not to the calves; what help could they
give him? He sought the Lord. See how swift God is to show mercy; how ready to hear prayer;
how willing to find a reason to be gracious; else he would not look so far back as the ancient
covenant Israel had so often broken, and forfeited. Let this invite and engage us for ever to him;
and encourage even those who have forsaken him, to return and repent; for there is forgiveness
with him, that he may be feared. And if the Lord answer the mere cry of distress for temporal relief,
much more will he regard the prayer of faith for spiritual blessings.

Verses 10–19

Jehoash, the king, came to Elisha, to receive his dying counsel and blessing. It may turn much
to our spiritual advantage, to attend the sick-beds and death-beds of good men, that we may be
encouraged in religion by the living comforts they have from it in a dying hour. Elisha assured the
king of his success; yet he must look up to God for direction and strength; must reckon his own
hands not enough, but go on, in dependence upon Divine aid. The trembling hands of the dying
prophet, as they signified the power of God, gave this arrow more force than the hands of the king
in his full strength. By contemning the sign, the king lost the thing signified, to the grief of the
dying prophet. It is a trouble to good men, to see those to whom they wish well, forsake their own
mercies, and to see them lose advantages against spiritual enemies.

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