Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

and severe; that very complaint proving the necessity for their being sent, in order to his being
further humbled in the sight of God.

Chapter 27

Chapter Outline
Job protests his sincerity. (1–6)
The hypocrite is without hope. (7–10)
The miserable end of the wicked. (11–23)

Verses 1–6

Job's friends now suffered him to speak, and he proceeded in a grave and useful manner. Job
had confidence in the goodness both of his cause and of his God; and cheerfully committed his
cause to him. But Job had not due reverence when he spake of God as taking away his judgment,
and vexing his soul. To resolve that our hearts shall not reproach us, while we hold fast our integrity,
baffles the designs of the evil spirit.

Verses 7–10

Job looked upon the condition of a hypocrite and a wicked man, to be most miserable. If they
gained through life by their profession, and kept up their presumptuous hope till death, what would
that avail when God required their souls? The more comfort we find in our religion, the more closely
we shall cleave to it. Those who have no delight in God, are easily drawn away by the pleasures,
and easily overcome by the crosses of this life. (Job 27:11-23)

Verses 11–23

Job's friends, on the same subject, spoke of the misery of wicked men before death as
proportioned to their crimes; Job considered that if it were not so, still the consequences of their
death would be dreadful. Job undertook to set this matter in a true light. Death to a godly man, is
like a fair gale of wind to convey him to the heavenly country; but, to a wicked man, it is like a
storm, that hurries him away to destruction. While he lived, he had the benefit of sparing mercy;
but now the day of God's patience is over, and he will pour out upon him his wrath. When God
casts down a man, there is no flying from, nor bearing up under his anger. Those who will not now
flee to the arms of Divine grace, which are stretched out to receive them, will not be able to flee
from the arms of Divine wrath, which will shortly be stretched out to destroy them. And what is a
man profited if he gain the whole world, and thus lose his own soul?

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