Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

and turns to sin. Every one that has the spirit of wisdom, has not the spirit of government; but Job
had both. Yet he had the tenderness of a comforter. This he thought upon with pleasure, when he
was himself a mourner. Our Lord Jesus is a King who hates iniquity, and upon whom the blessing
of a world ready to perish comes. To Him let us give ear.

Chapter 30

Chapter Outline
Job's honour is turned into contempt. (1–14)
Job a burden to himself. (15–31)

Verses 1–14

Job contrasts his present condition with his former honour and authority. What little cause have
men to be ambitious or proud of that which may be so easily lost, and what little confidence is to
be put in it! We should not be cast down if we are despised, reviled, and hated by wicked men. We
should look to Jesus, who endured the contradiction of sinners.

Verses 15–31

Job complains a great deal. Harbouring hard thoughts of God was the sin which did, at this
time, most easily beset Job. When inward temptations join with outward calamities, the soul is
hurried as in a tempest, and is filled with confusion. But woe be to those who really have God for
an enemy! Compared with the awful state of ungodly men, what are all outward, or even inward
temporal afflictions? There is something with which Job comforts himself, yet it is but a little. He
foresees that death will be the end of all his troubles. God's wrath might bring him to death; but his
soul would be safe and happy in the world of spirits. If none pity us, yet our God, who corrects,
pities us, even as a father pitieth his own children. And let us look more to the things of eternity:
then the believer will cease from mourning, and joyfully praise redeeming love.

Chapter 31

Chapter Outline
Job declares his uprightness. (1–8)
His integrity. (9–15)
Job merciful. (16–23)
Job not guilty of covetousness or idolatry. (24–32)
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