Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 33–40

Job clears himself from the charge of hypocrisy. We are loth to confess our faults, willing to
excuse them, and to lay the blame upon others. But he that thus covers his sins, shall not prosper,
Pr 28:13. He speaks of his courage in what is good, as an evidence of his sincerity in it. When men
get estates unjustly, they are justly deprived of comfort from them; it was sown wheat, but shall
come up thistles. What men do not come honestly by, will never do them any good. The words of
Job are ended. They end with a bold assertion, that, with respect to accusation against his moral
and religious character as the cause for his sufferings, he could appeal to God. But, however
confident Job was, we shall see he was mistaken, chap. 40:4, 5; 1Jo 1:8. Let us all judge ourselves;
wherein we are guilty, let us seek forgiveness in that blood which cleanseth from all sin; and may
the Lord have mercy upon us, and write his laws in our hearts!

Chapter 32

Chapter Outline
Elihu is displeased at the dispute between (1–5)
Job and his friends.
He reproves them. (6–14)
He speaks without partiality. (15–22)

Verses 1–5

Job's friends were silenced, but not convinced. Others had been present. Elihu was justly
displeased with Job, as more anxious to clear his own character than the justice and goodness of
God. Elihu was displeased with Job's friends because they had not been candid to Job. Seldom is
a quarrel begun, more seldom is a quarrel carried on, in which there are not faults on both sides.
Those that seek for truth, must not reject what is true and good on either side, nor approve or defend
what is wrong.

Verses 6–14

Elihu professes to speak by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and corrects both parties. He
allowed that those who had the longest experience should speak first. But God gives wisdom as he
pleases; this encouraged him to state his opinion. By attention to the word of God, and dependence
upon the Holy Spirit, young men may become wiser than the aged; but this wisdom will render
them swift to hear, slow to speak, and disposed to give others a patient hearing.

Verses 15–22

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