Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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the dominion of sin and Satan, will be the completing of this salvation, which is the hope, and will
be the joy of every Israelite indeed. With this assurance we should comfort ourselves and one
another, under the sins of sinners and sufferings of saints.

Chapter 15

The way to heaven, if we would be happy, we must be holy. We are encouraged to walk
in that way.
—Here is a very serious question concerning the character of a citizen of Zion. It is the happiness
of glorified saints, that they dwell in the holy hill; they are at home there, they shall be for ever
there. It concerns us to make it sure to ourselves that we have a place among them. A very plain
and particular answer is here given. Those who desire to know their duty, will find the Scripture a
very faithful director, and conscience a faithful monitor. A citizen of Zion is sincere in his religion.
He is really what he professes to be, and endeavours to stand complete in all the will of God. He
is just both to God and man; and, in speaking to both, speaks the truth in his heart. He scorns and
abhors wrong and fraud; he cannot reckon that a good bargain, nor a saving one, which is made
with a lie; and knows that he who wrongs his neighbour will prove, in the end, to have most injured
himself. He is very careful to do hurt to no man. He speaks evil of no man, makes not others' faults
the matter of his common talk; he makes the best of every body, and the worst of nobody. If an
ill-natured story be told him, he will disprove it if he can; if not, it goes no further. He values men
by their virtue and piety. Wicked people are vile people, worthless, and good for nothing; so the
word signifies. He thinks the worse of no man's piety for his poverty and mean condition. He
reckons that serious piety puts honour upon a man, more than wealth, or a great name. He honours
such, desires their conversation and an interest in their prayers, is glad to show them respect, or do
them a kindness. By this we may judge of ourselves in some measure. Even wise and good men
may swear to their own hurt: but see how strong the obligation is, a man must rather suffer loss to
himself and his family, than wrong his neighbour. He will not increase his estate by extortion, or
by bribery. He will not, for any gain, or hope of it to himself, do any thing to hurt a righteous cause.
Every true living member of the church, like the church itself, is built upon a Rock. He that doeth
these things shall not be moved for ever. The grace of God shall always be sufficient for him. The
union of these tempers and this conduct, can only spring from repentance for sin, faith in the Saviour,
and love to him. In these respects let us examine and prove our own selves.

Chapter 16

This psalm begins with expressions of devotion, which may be applied to Christ; but ends
with such confidence of a resurrection, as must be applied to Christ, and to him only.
—David flees to God's protection, with cheerful, believing confidence. Those who have avowed
that the Lord is their Lord, should often put themselves in mind of what they have done, take the

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