Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

When we perceive our true condition, the Good Physician will be valued, sought, and obeyed. Yet
many let their wounds rankle, because they delay to go to their merciful Friend. When, at any time,
we are distempered in our bodies, we ought to remember how God has been dishonoured in and
by our bodies. The groanings which cannot be uttered, are not hid from Him that searches the heart,
and knows the mind of the Spirit. David, in his troubles, was a type of Christ in his agonies, of
Christ on his cross, suffering and deserted.

Verses 12–22

Wicked men hate goodness, even when they benefit by it. David, in the complaints he makes
of his enemies, seems to refer to Christ. But our enemies do us real mischief only when they drive
us from God and our duty. The true believer's trouble will be made useful; he will learn to wait for
his God, and will not seek relief from the world or himself. The less we notice the unkindness and
injuries that are done us, the more we consult the quiet of our own minds. David's troubles were
the chastisement and the consequence of his transgressions, whilst Christ suffered for our sins and
ours only. What right can a sinner have to yield to impatience or anger, when mercifully corrected
for his sins? David was very sensible of the present workings of corruption in him. Good men, by
setting their sorrow continually before them, have been ready to fall; but by setting God always
before them, they have kept their standing. If we are truly penitent for sin, that will make us patient
under affliction. Nothing goes nearer to the heart of a believer when in affliction, than to be under
the apprehension of God's deserting him; nor does any thing come more feelingly from his heart
than this prayer, “Be not far from me.” The Lord will hasten to help those who trust in him as their

Chapter 39

Chapter Outline
David meditates on man's frailty. (1–6)
He applies for pardon and deliverance. (7–13)

Verses 1–6

If an evil thought should arise in the mind, suppress it. Watchfulness in the habit, is the bridle
upon the head; watchfulness in acts, is the hand upon the bridle. When not able to separate from
wicked men, we should remember they will watch our words, and turn them, if they can, to our
disadvantage. Sometimes it may be necessary to keep silence, even from good words; but in general
we are wrong when backward to engage in edifying discourse. Impatience is a sin that has its cause
within ourselves, and that is, musing; and its ill effects upon ourselves, and that is no less than
burning. In our greatest health and prosperity, every man is altogether vanity, he cannot live long;
he may die soon. This is an undoubted truth, but we are very unwilling to believe it. Therefore let

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