Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

which a poor soul can alone stand fast. Where God has given stedfast hope, he expects there should
be a steady, regular walk and conduct. God filled the psalmist with joy, as well as peace in believing.
Multitudes, by faith beholding the sufferings and glory of Christ, have learned to fear the justice
and trust in the mercy of God through Him. Many are the benefits with which we are daily loaded,
both by the providence and by the grace of God.

Verses 6–10

The psalmist foretells that work of wonder, redemption by our Lord Jesus Christ. The Substance
must come, which is Christ, who must bring that glory to God, and that grace to man, which it was
impossible the sacrifices should ever do. Observe the setting apart of our Lord Jesus to the work
and office of Mediator. In the volume, or roll, of the book it was written of him. In the close rolls
of the Divine decrees and counsel, the covenant of redemption was recorded. Also, in all the volumes
of the Old Testament something was written of him, Joh 19:28. Now the purchase of our salvation
is made, the proclamation is sent forth, calling us to come and accept it. It was preached freely and
openly. Whoever undertook to preach the gospel of Christ, would be under great temptation to
conceal it; but Christ, and those he calls to that work, are carried on in it. May we believe his
testimony, trust his promise, and submit to his authority.

Verses 11–17

The best saints see themselves undone, unless continually preserved by the grace of God. But
see the frightful view the psalmist had of sin. This made the discovery of a Redeemer so welcome.
In all his reflections upon each step of his life, he discovered something amiss. The sight and sense
of our sins in their own colours, must distract us, if we have not at the same time some sight of a
Saviour. If Christ has triumphed over our spiritual enemies, then we, through him, shall be more
than conquerors. This may encourage all that seek God and love his salvation, to rejoice in him,
and to praise him. No griefs nor poverty can render those miserable who fear the Lord. Their God,
and all that he has or does, is the ground of their joy. The prayer of faith can unlock his fulness,
which is adapted to all their wants. The promises are sure, the moment of fulfilment hastens forward.
He who once came in great humility, shall come again in glorious majesty.

Chapter 41

Chapter Outline
God's care for his people. (1–4)
The treachery of David's enemies. (5–13)

Verses 1–4

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