Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Whatever deep waters of affliction or temptation we sink into, whatever floods of trouble or
ungodly men seem ready to overwhelm us, let us persevere in prayer to our Lord to save us. The
tokens of God's favour to us are enough to keep our spirits from sinking in the deepest outward
troubles. If we think well of God, and continue to do so under the greatest hardships, we need not
fear but he will do well for us. And if at any time we are called on to suffer reproach and shame,
for Christ's sake, this may be our comfort, that he knows it. It bears hard on one that knows the
worth of a good name, to be oppressed with a bad one; but when we consider what a favour it is to
be accounted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Jesus, we shall see that there is no reason why
it should be heart-breaking to us. The sufferings of Christ were here particularly foretold, which
proves the Scripture to be the word of God; and how exactly these predictions were fulfilled in
Jesus Christ, which proves him to be the true Messiah. The vinegar and the gall given to him, were
a faint emblem of that bitter cup which he drank up, that we might drink the cup of salvation. We
cannot expect too little from men, miserable comforters are they all; nor can we expect too much
from the God of all comfort and consolation.

Verses 22–29

These are prophecies of the destruction of Christ's persecutors. Verses #(22, 23), are applied
to the judgments of God upon the unbelieving Jews, in Ro 11:9, 10. When the supports of life and
delights of sense, through the corruption of our nature, are made the food and fuel of sin, then our
table is a snare. Their sin was, that they would not see, but shut their eyes against the light, loving
darkness rather; their punishment was, that they should not see, but should be given up to their own
hearts' lusts which hardened them. Those who reject God's great salvation proffered to them, may
justly fear that his indignation will be poured out upon them. If men will sin, the Lord will reckon
for it. But those that have multiplied to sin, may yet find mercy, through the righteousness of the
Mediator. God shuts not out any from that righteousness; the gospel excludes none who do not, by
unbelief, shut themselves out. But those who are proud and self-willed, so that they will not come
in to God's righteousness, shall have their doom accordingly; they themselves decide it. Let those
not expect any benefit thereby, who are not glad to be beholden to it. It is better to be poor and
sorrowful, with the blessing of the Lord, than rich and jovial, and under his curse. This may be
applied to Christ. He was, when on earth, a man of sorrows that had not where to lay his head; but
God exalted him. Let us call upon the Lord, and though poor and sorrowful, guilty and defiled, his
salvation will set us up on high.

Verses 30–36

The psalmist concludes the psalm with holy joy and praise, which he began with complaints
of his grief. It is a great comfort to us, that humble and thankful praises are more pleasing to God
than the most costly, pompous sacrifices. The humble shall look to him, and be glad; those that
seek him through Christ shall live and be comforted. God will do great things for the gospel church,
in which let all who wish well to it rejoice. A seed shall serve him on earth, and his servants shall
inherit his heavenly kingdom. Those that love his name shall dwell before him for ever. He that
spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give

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